News from Rawganique

2014 Springtime At The Rawganique Organic Homestead

2014 Springtime At The Rawganique Organic Homestead

Hello, there. It's springtime, again. How have you been? On our end, there have been so many exciting things shaping up. After many years at our homestead on the ridgetop, we recently decided to move closer to the shore, still on the same island (Denman Island) where our off-the-grid homesteading adventures began over 16 years ago.
We ended up moving as many of our fruit and nut trees as we could (it was a pain, and I'll write a post to tell you all about it). We're setting up the solar panels in a couple of weeks (which I'll tell you about as well). And we are finally shedding our hermit ways and embracing social networking and social media big time, as you can see from all the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more buttons here at Rawganique (we don't do anything small, as you can see). So please join us in spreading the word on hemp, organic living, organic gardening, off-the-grid homesteading, and year-round self-sufficiency by emailing us stories and photos on any of these topics to us and we'll be sure to share them on our social media sites.
We are still very much ecstatic with our homesteading lifestyle and promotion of sweatshop-free organic cotton, linen, and hemp products (in case you were wondering). It's so nice to be in sync with the seasons. Thanks for all your kind support and lovely comments over the years: they definitely played a big part in keeping us going. We feel such a sense of connectedness even though we're quite involved and busy with doing what we do to the point of having no time to connect and socialize much. Many of you have written to say you have been vicariously taking part in our homesteading adventure right along with us through the years. Well, we've felt your presence: thanks for being there. Till next time! Namaste.
PS Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and (are there more? Yes, there are more social media, with more being created almost everyday!)... and send us pointers and suggestions as we try to navigate these strange waters that go by the name of social media. We need all the help we can get! We feel so prehistoric, considering none of these social networks was even around 10 years ago, let alone 16 years ago when we went "off the grid," as it were.
- Touch Jamikorn

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