About Us

What is Rawganique


Dear chemically-sensitive and chemically-averse customer

Thank you for your interest in our sweatshop-free organic cotton linen hemp products. Let's get acquainted, shall we?

We are one of the few manufacturers that reveal the country of origin of our products — we say Made in USA or Made in Canada or Made in Europe (well, this technically continent of origin); we don't just say product is "imported" (you can be reasonably sure that "imported" means China or India). We make our organic cotton, flax linen and hemp products in USA, Canada and Europe from organic cotton, flax linen and hemp grown and naturally processed in USA and Europe. Often, products that are made in USA are made from organic cotton, linen, or hemp grown and processed (usually with chemicals and acids) in India or China. Always ask for your own peace of mind!

As the detrimental effects of long-term constant exposure to chemicals in textiles and bodycare products come to light in study after study, many customers with children, customers who have undergone radiation or other immune-system-compromising treatments, and customers who are concerned about their overall well-being are writing to ask if our vegan organic cotton, linen, and hemp products are really pure and do not outgas chemicals into the skin and indoor air. The answer is yes, our products are really pure. We know this because we grow, comb, spin, weave, knit, and sew them, so we know what goes in (and doesn’t go in) to our organic products. As chemically sensitive people, we personally only use our own products because we know how pure they are. We pass on fads and trends and concentrate on purity, every single time. As customers have found out from their own experience, many companies greenwash their brands by using terms like "Eco" or “Made in USA” (but from components grown and sourced from China or “Organic” (but certified in China and formaldehyde and dioxon are liberally used in productions), etc… We can assure you that we are not into such rhetoric. We purposely stay small, so we never have to compromise.


There are many challenges in going against the grain of commercialism — manufacturing our rare environmentally friendly organic cotton, flax linen and hemp apparel, footwear, bed, bath, and home products on US, Canadian, and European soil with organic fibers grown here (rather than sending productions overseas to China or India like virtually everyone else) has more than its share of hiccups. We appreciate your kind patience and understanding when things don't go exactly right. We are small-scale by choice (so that we are able to care more for product purity than investors' bottom line).

"Thank you so much Rawganique for revealing the countries of origin of your fibers and organic products! So many companies hide behind the vague "imported" nomenclature when it's obvious most "imported" things are now made in China or India! They say their hemp clothing is made in USA. Bollocks! when I inquired, it turns out the fabrics are grown and made in China!!! I avoid products from China in my life (even though they claim it's organic - is that ever possible?) because of the lack of transparency in their manufacturing processes and disregard for human and animal rights. And my rashes are gone after I started wearing your organic clothing and using your organic sheets. So happy!" — L. N.

Who We Are | Who We Are Not | Who You Are | Who You Are Not


  • Small-scale manufacturer of chemical-free pure organic clothing, footwear, bed, bath, & home products.
  • We ship from our warehouse in the state of Washington, USA
  • We homestead off the grid on rural Denman Island. We grow our own organic foods year-round. We raise rescued pet animals.Chapter 2 of our lives: we have downsized to a much smaller homestead/garden as the work on 45 acres without power tools was getting too much after 20 years. We are still growing tons of fresh organic foods and loving every minute of it.
  • Small margin: we work with unsubsidized raw organic materials & sweatshop-free friendly family work environment.
  • Caring customer service. We are overwhelmed and busy all the time (thanks to our loyal customers who have shared in our vision through the years since 1997) but we really do love you and want to make you happy.
  • Fast shipping worldwide, getting orders out on the same business day. Now that we have our WA warehouse, we can actually do overnight shipping. Yay!
  • Passionate about the health of humanity and the planet.
  • Organic, handcrafted, pure, whimsical.
  • We grow, weave, knit, and sew in-house for true purity and environmental sustainability.
  • We're almost 28 years deep in beautiful organic doo-doo and loving every minute of it and looking forward to more. We love connecting with people from all over the world who share our vision for a simpler, cleaner, loving world.
  • We consider everyday a blessing. We cherish our rural quality of life.
  • Zero animal testing. Zero animal cruelty. Zero slave labor. Zero sweatshop. We never have to test on animals because our organic products come from perfect natural fibers and can't harm any animal or human!
  • We try our best, we do our best, and we keep learning, experimenting, innovating every day of our lives!!! We are out to figure out how clothing and bedding and footwear were made way before the time of chemicals. Everyday is a journey of (re)discovery for us.
  • Oh, and by the way, we make 1000 awesome unique organic products because we are passionate about doing our part in making the world a better place! We are forever excited by the endless possibilities in our chosen 3 organic natural fibers (organic cotton, flax linen, and hemp).


  • Big business.
  • Big city. Big attitude. Big money.
  • Uniform homogenized chemically-treated products that don't lint, don't shed, don't pill (how scary is that? — like "modern" foods that sit on supermarket shelves for weeks without spoiling).
  • GMO, pesticides, BPA, PVC, dioxin, formaldehyde, acids, heavy metals, disperse dyes. Did you know that formaldehyde and dioxin are found in a lot of clothing out there?
  • Corporate slave drivers, outsourcing to third-world sweatshops and migrating headquarters to tax havens.
  • Advertisers. Social media mavericks. The only thing trending with us is Nature's Way. #untrend #nottrending #untrending #timeless That said, we are on all the major social media to share our daily homesteading stories as well as news of new products and behind-the-scenes peekaboos.
  • We want to relate with others' common humanity, not obsess over trivialities.
  • Perfect. We are passionate, feisty, opinionated, hard-working and fun, but NOT perfect. We are longtime islanders living on island time, after all. :) Sometimes we are behind in catching up with orders, and we feel bad about it. But we must live and be happy and healthy, too! So please be understanding before you snap. ;)
  • You like dealing with real people, NOT call centre people from halfway around the world.
  • You cannot tolerate chemicals and toxins.
  • You dislike chemicals and toxins in foods and clothing and bodycare products.
  • You try your very best to live as simple and pure a life as possible in today's chemically-saturated and overly-connected world.
  • You feel connected to your fellow beings.
  • You love animals of all stripes and care for their well-being.
  • You simply cannot stand cruelty towards animals in any form. Animals have no voice in our modern language! So unfair. Their habitats are being destroyed. They are being used to test nonsensical chemical products!!! How would the scientists and lab technicians like to be used as "test subjects" for some other species' bodycare products?
  • Patient and understanding.
  • You mend things that are broken. You use and reuse and recycle. You pass on things that others still find use for.
  • You know that Big Business pays next to nothing for shipping because the rest of us regular people and small businesses subsidize Big Business and Big Shipper by paying full price for shipping. That's why Big Business can offer free shipping all over the place (oh, and also their mega margins from sweatshops don't hurt, either) but small businesses struggle to keep up. We give you free shipping on most items totaling over $250. Don't ask us to do more; we can't afford it with our small-scale margins. We can't do free shipping on trade products that have trade discounts already built in, like fabrics and ropes. Thank you for your understanding.
  • You are just a little perfectionist: you care about purity and you like getting to the bottom of things. If you are a lot perfectionist, see below, under Who You Are Not. We are a little perfectionist ourselves at heart, trying to make products as pure as possible: but we have let go of perfection. In a small-scale workshop, there is NO perfection. We adapt and evolve and learn and improve constantly.
  • You love to support local and handmade and organic and chemical-free and sweatshop-free.
  • You email non-urgent questions and only call when necessary.
  • You order online at www.rawganique.com and only call in your order if absolutely necessary.
  • You consider everyday a blessing.
  • You care for your health and the health of those you love and the health of humanity and the planet, too.
  • We LOVE you as you are! Love us as we are. :D
  • You need organic products to be cheap without petitioning / asking your politicians why the government subsidizes chemical animal cruelty farming but not organic agriculture which is better in all ways for humans and the planet (and still yields enough to feed the world!). Once this issue is resolved, then organic would be as cheap as anything else on the market. And frankly, our handcrafted organic things are NOT expensive, if you factor in the raw organic materials and living wages and medical care. Big Business sweatshop products, on the other hand, are NOT cheap, if you factor in moral, social, and environmental costs.
  • You have no patience for the postal system. You need tracking numbers for everything. Well, we now use UPS a lot, too, so this isn't such a problem anymore. :)
  • You need your package by yesterday. Especially come Christmas time. Plan ahead, beloved people!!! We cannot do miracles with the postal system being what it is (even UPS is overwhelmed at times). Don't stress us out. We want to be healthy and here for you for the long haul.
  • You follow fads and trends and can compromise on purity at the expense of sweatshops and chemicals.
  • You are OK even with something that "looks" good even though it outgases volatile chemicals and leaches toxins into your skin.
  • You think bamboo is an eco fiber (we know you know better than that — bamboo is NOT an eco fiber — it's a human-made rayon fiber full of chemicals even though it started out as the bamboo plant, which we love and use for garden stakes and outdoor furniture).
  • You are exacting and particular about every detail. You are perfectionism personified. Perfectionism doesn't combine very well with 100% natural and organic products, as we ourselves have found out. Nature, while perfect, doesn't like homogeneity very much, it seems.
  • Every little seam that is out of place or a bed sheet that is not 100% symmetrical annoys the hell out of you. Oh, and one skipped loop in an organic terry towel pushes you over the edge. Totally first world problems. We sympathize, but we are not an assembly line factory with draconian duty managers. We are a small workshop of 50 artisans. If you can't stand variations and imperfections, then our products are probably not suitable for you.
  • Impatient and perfectionistic, used to and spoiled by Big Business like Amazon and Apple.
  • An ideologist who chooses to ignore the reality, complexity and unpredictability of a small-scale hand-craft cottage workshop. The day-to-day challenges of running a small-scale production are worth a life-time of stories in themselves. It must be one of Murphy's Laws: Something always goes awry when you set out to create a perfect product.
  • If you are in this category, you will be happier at Big Business, trust us on this! It's been nice knowing ya, have a wonderful awesome day! You're welcome to enjoy our articles, read about our off-the-grid adventures and browse our rawsome photos, but our hand-crafted products might frustrate you. Be warned!

Now that we have broken the ice and you're still sticking around, let's enjoy ourselves! We hope you have fun browsing our world of pure handmade chemical-free sweatshop-free organic products and reading our non-trending (because universal and timeless) adventures in off-the-grid homesteading!! Oh follow us on social media for intermittent updates from us — when we're not busy making products, tending to our garden and animals, or shipping products out, that is!



 "I love to see anything that implies a simpler mode of life and a greater nearness to the earth." — Henry David Thoreau

 "Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around." — Henry David Thoreau

 "Care and artistry are worth the trouble. They can be a satisfaction to the practitioner and a joy to all beholders." — Helen Nearing, The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing's Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient Living

 "It is natural for anyone seeking to live a simple life to have concern for the origin and purity of their food (and clothing)." — John Lane, Timeless Simplicity



 "I've had my *Rawganique hemp duffel bag* for what seems like decades. Sure, it's tearing out on one shoulder strap, but I've simply switched to the other side when I hold it up. It's still quite functional but it's getting a little ratty in appearance. Now I'm back for another." — Harv. T

 "Thank you so much Rawganique for revealing the countries of origin of your fibers and your products! So many companies hide behind the vague "imported" nomenclature when it's obvious most "imported" things are now made in China or India! Kudos to you. I avoid products from China in my life because of the lack of transparency in their manufacturing processes and disregard for human and animal rights." — L. N. (Texas)

"THANKYOUUUUU!!!!! You guys really rock and are doing something that really can change the world. Thank you!" - customer email

“I think we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance....” (Reuben Blades)

"First of all, thank you so much for providing all the products you do - they have saved my life! My MCS has been very severe and I have really bad dermatitis. Your clothing works." - Pam B.

"I love all your products; I understand how much labor goes into everything you make. I have no issues waiting for quality hand-made shoes. :) Hope you have a good week and happy hempy new year!" - Matt B.

"Honestly, finding Rawganique has given me something good to think about everyday. I go about my day knowing that people have made a huge effort so we can wear clothes that are great for the environment and fantastic for ourselves. Thank you." - Simon F.

"God Bless You for providing Latex-Free. I have been braless for several years and when I do have to wear one, I sweat and itch horribly. Thank you SOOOOOOO Much!!!" - Jonni H.

"I'm a HUGE animal lover. I refuse to support any company that harms or tests on animals. I've been a customer of Rawganique's since 2003 and I love it that your cruelty-free products reflect my beliefs totally. I wear your echo clothes and have your animal-friendly products all over my house!! I'm so glad you guys exist." - Chad W.

"As a human rights activist, sweatshop-free clothing and shoes and home products are a HUGE deal to me. Thank you for caring for workers and humans and animals of the planet. You've found yourself a lifetime customer." Jeff C.

"You provide the best Hippie Clothing in the best possible definition of hippie - which for me is clothes that are free and democratic - indie clothes - independent handmade products that are ethically made and sustainable in every way. I've been a vegan for 20 years (and vegetarian for 10 years before) and your plant-based products really jive with my beliefs and animal-friendly cruelty-free lifestyle. I thank you from the bottom of my old heart for your work in bringing beautiful timeless well-made clothing to all of us who want comfort, purity, and ethics in our clothing and home!!!" - Joanna B.

"I can't stop wearing my Rawganique hemp boots! I can't believe I didn't know about vegan hemp boots before. I'm a vegetarian and I've been wearing synthetic vegan boots for years until I found your hemp boots! They are so breathable. My feet no longer sweat or stink — they are dry and comfy all day long now. Wow! Go hemp!!" - Josh S. 

More Homesteading Articles, Eco Home Articles, Solar & Wind Articles, Wild Animals, Livestock, watch blue herons fishing, an eagle swimming with a shark in its claw, and a snake swallowing a slug at our Homesteading Blog.

More Info:
  • Organic hemp clothing, shoes, bags, bed, bath, and home products
  • Organic flax linen clothing, footwear, bedding, bath, and home products
  • Organic cotton clothing, footwear, bedding, bath, and home products
  • We grow, weave, knit, and sew organic products in-house for true purity.
  • Always sweatshop-free. Ethically made in USA, Canada, and Europe since 1997.
  • Never tested on animals. We love all creatures big and small. It's all one.
  • Featuring latex-free, elastic-free, chemical-free products.

Since 1997, Rawganique has been growing, weaving, knitting, and sewing organic cotton, flax linen, and hemp clothing, footwear, bed, bath, and home products in small batches in USA, Canada, and Europe. We handcraft our sustainable, eco-friendly, and ethical organic apparel and home products to be as pure and natural as possible. Our customers prefer to live a plastic-free, chemical-free, ethical, plant-based organic lifestyle. Many are also severely sensitive to chemicals.

"Where is it grown? Where is it made? How is it grown? What chemicals were involved in making this?" Twenty five years ago, we asked ourselves these very questions for all the things we ate and wore. The answers were perplexing — the lengths most garment companies will go to to make clothing look good at the expense of putting all of us and the environment at risk is alarming: dioxin, formaldehyde, bleach, and toxic dyes are routinely used, even in so-called organic clothing.

Rawganique was founded by two homesteaders, who went to Denman Island in 1995 to homestead off the grid, rescue animals, and grow their own organic foods year round. They created Rawganique in response to requests from readers of their raw vegan plastic-free lifestyle blog for truly pure & sweatshop-free products.

Rawganique ships worldwide. We are located in  Blaine, WA, just 35 minutes south of Vancouver and 2 hours north of Seattle. Join us on social media to help spread the message of love, tolerance, peace, simplicity, sustainability, and self-sufficiency.

Rawganique's organic wearables and home products are chemical-free, cruelty-free, and animal-friendly. Our passion for sustainable organic cotton, linen, and hemp products is what makes Rawganique the most trusted name in the industry. We pay fair living wages, we only work with organic cotton, linen and hemp, we don't use harmful chemicals in our atelier, and we mark up a modest profit so we can continue to do our work.

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