Why organic linen?
Flax thrives in poor soil and requires little or no irrigation. It is very easy to grow, but harvesting and extracting the fiber and making yarn for weaving is still best done manually, unlike cotton where machines replaced most manual labor. The flax plants are pulled by hand, for the longest fibers running all along the stem from bottom to top. For organic linen retting, the next step and crucial for being able to separate the fiber from the stalk, has to be done by leaving the flax on the fields for rotting the stalk by repeated dew and sunshine; or by steam inside. Both is much slower than chemical processes for conventional linen. After that, it is all beating, breaking, combing - no chemicals involved at all.
Flax linen fiber's hollow core makes it light and cool. Wearing linen, you perspire much less than in cotton or wool, and the skin is a few degrees cooler.
Flax is hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory; its excellent breathability and moisture-wicking is beneficial when worn as undergarment, especially for people with yeast-infections and menopausal women suffering under hot-flashes. By lessening heat buildup, it also increases male fertility because sperm is very sensitive to heat.
Linen protects against harmful electromagnetic frequencies such as WiFi, cell-phone signal, etc.
Organic linen is grown and processed without chemical herbicides and pesticides, protecting the farmers, the factory workers, the end consumer, and the eco-system from those neurotoxins and cancer-causing substances.
Linen remains the fiber of choice for those who value the tremendous health and ecological advantages of linen, as well as its unique comfort and texture. Even the finest cotton cannot match the luxurious feeling that a night in a bid made with Irish linen provides; or the light and cooling feeling of linen on the skin on a hot day.